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Prognostic significance of abnormal jugular venous pressure Together with third coronary heart sound, irregular jugular venous strain is an ominous prognostic sign of adverse end result. Neck veins in cardiac tamponade Distended neck vein together with dyspnea/tachypnea, tachycardia and clear lungs-have 5 differential diagnoses: 1. Hepatojugular reflux Physiology: Steady strain on the abdomen Shift the blood from splanchnic bed to thorax To jugular vein To right atrium To right ventricle In case of slightly elevated jugular venous strain, the raised strain turns into overt. Uses of hepatojugular reflux: Subclinical proper ventricular failure Silent tricuspid regurgitation Symptomatic left ventricular failure. Method of performing abdominojugular reflux: Position the supine affected person in inclined position at a level, so that the venous column may be finest monitored. Physical Examinations 143 Patient is asked to loosen up, breath normally through mouth. This will keep away from false constructive enhance in jugular venous stress brought on by valsalva maneuver. Apply strain over the abdomen in periumbelical space with palm of the hand having fingers extensively apart-gradual and progressively growing pressure for no less than 15 seconds. Direction of strain is firm, inward, cephalad, quickly reaching strain 30 to 35 mm of Hg. Throughout the maneuver (before, during and after compression) observe the column of blood in inner and exterior jugular vein. Significance of constructive abdominojugular reflux: In sufferers presenting with dyspnea/angina: Positive abdominojugular reflux favors biventricular failure with pulmonary capillary wedge pressure >15 mm Hg. In these sufferers: Low ejection fraction Low stroke quantity Increased left atrial pressure Increased pulmonary capillary wedge strain Right atrial strain. In absence of left ventricular failure, positive test signifies inability of proper atrium and right ventricle to handle the elevated venous return-diagnoses may be: Increased proper ventricular preload (increased intravascular volume).


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It occurs over months to years z Functional: Sign of stress z Vocal wire paresis: History of surgical procedure occurs after weeks to months, complains of bovine cough z Myxedema: Over months to years, related to other signs of myxedema z Acromegaly: Due to swollen vocal cords, related other signs of acromegaly z Sicca syndrome: Due to dry mouth and eyes. Whether the nasal obstruction modifications with posture: Posterior nasal polyp Whether the affected person takes breathe by way of mouth: Posterior nasal polyp Large adenoid. Whether the patient complains of extreme sneezing: Allergic rhinitis Whether sneezing is associated with headache: Infection of nasal sinuses. Cough: Barking cough-tumor in larynx Bovine cough-recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis. Laryngeal pain: Mild ache: Acute laryngitis Constant severe pain: � Laryngeal tuberculosis � Laryngeal carcinoma. Other Important Points in History z Fever: Character of rise of temperature Whether associated with chill and rigor, or night sweat Any defervescence or not. It could happen in: � Infection-acute or chronic (pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, and so on. It may occur on this illness due to: � Impaired urge for food � Divert energy to respiratory muscle tissue. It begins as dependant edema in early section, afterward because the disease progresses, it entails complete body. Pneumonia and pleurisy: Caused by: Bronchiectasis Bronchial tumor Aspiration of esophageal content material (achalasia cardia) Aspiration of pharyngeal content or vomit (bulbar palsy) Alcoholism Hypogammaglobulinemia Multiple myeloma. Measles or whopping cough: can produce pneumonia in early childhood It could cause wheeze bronchitis or bronchiectasis. Chest accidents: Traumatic hemithorax-leads to pleural thickening and splints of chest (frozen chest). Recent historical past of common anesthetics or lack of consciousness: Inhalation or aspiration of oropharyngeal secretion or foreign physique results in: Aspiration pneumonia Lung abscess. Pregnancy, surgery: Pulmonary embolism Comparison of latest chest radiograph with previous radiograph. Regarding passive smoking the questions are: How much time spared in home with smokers Respiratory System 193 It could produce bronchial bronchial asthma in childhood and intercurrent infections. Pets and Hobbies Exposure to pigeons, parrots and different caged birds could cause: Extrinsic allergic alveolitis Bronchial bronchial asthma Allergic rhinitis Pneumonia (psittacosis). Acute signs usually seen in pigeon fanciers who, few hours after cleaning out the birds, develop cough, breathlessness, flu like signs Chronic signs seen in budgerigar owners-because they exposed repeatedly to low dose of antigen-they complain of progressive breathlessness.

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It is usually seen in: Lung illness Pain Sepsis Obesity Anxiety Fever: Respiratory price increases four breath/minute for every 1 diploma rise in physique temperature. Bradypnea-less than 10 breaths/minute-occurs in: Hypothyroidism Narcotic use Sedation Diabetic coma. Central apnea: Neuromuscular dysfunction Obstructive sleep apnea: Airway obstruction induced by rapid eye movement sleep. Acidotic breathing: � Increased anion hole metabolic acidosis � Methanol poisoning � Aspirin intoxication � Ethlene glycol toxicity � Diabetic ketoacidosis � Uremic ketoacidosis � Lactic acidosis. Difference between hyperpnea and hyperventilation: z Hyperventilation: Where vital capability compromised, thus breath is shallow and enhance in price z Hyperpnea: Due to increase in tidal volume, rate and dying are increased z Hypopnea: Respirations is shallow. Causes: Aging Simple sleep High altitude Neurological issues: Meningitis, bilateral or unilateral cerebral infarction, hemorrhage, traumatic brainstem lesion. Apneustic breathing: Deep inspiratory phase adopted by breath holding interval and rapid exhalation. Ataxic breathing: Totally anarchic respiration-fibrillation of respiratory middle, sudden shift from hyper- to hypoventilation and from hyperpnea to hypoapnea (agonal respiration) Causes: Medullary harm. Grunting respiration: Preterminal grunting or gurgling sound produced by the affected person to clear secretions is a dying rattle-sign of severe pneumonia with impending It respiratory failure, muscle fatigue and death More frequent in children-short and low pitched noise produced by forced expiration in opposition to closed glottis. Abnormalities in Posture Orthopnea Orthop (upright), pnea (breathing) Dyspnea aggravated in mendacity down place, relived by upright position. Nonpulmonary or noncardiac: Obesity Massive ascites Bilateral phrenic nerve paralysis. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea Characterized by nocturnal spell (paroxysm) of acute dyspnea (air hunger). After 1 to 2 hours of sleep affected person awakens, sit upright, lowers the legs by the side of the bed, opens the window to catch the contemporary air, after jiffy, he expectorates small amount of frothy sputum, sometimes pink frothy sputum, he feels higher sufficient to go back to sleep. Respiratory System 199 Mechanism In upright posture, peripheral pooling of blood, reduces the venus return, reduces pulmonary congestion. Causes z Acute left ventricular failure z Bilateral apical and bullous lung diseases-both basilar perfusion and lung mechanics are improved.

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Blood circulation within the growing fetus fully bypasses the collapsed fetal lungs. No blood flows into the pulmonary artery because the vascular resis tance in the collapsed fetal lungs is actually infinite (perhaps induced by the hypoxic status of the fetal alveoli). This permits blood to begin flowing into the lungs from the pulmonary artery and tends to lower pulmonary arterial pressure. Meanwhile, complete systemic vascular resistance increases tremendously due to loss of the placenta (which is a big organ with low vascular resistance). This causes a rise in aortic stress, which retards and even reverses the flow through the ductus arteriosis. Through mechanisms which are incompletely understood but clearly linked to a rise in blood oxygen tension, the ductus arteriosis steadily constricts and fully closes over time, usually ranging from hours to a few days. The circulatory modifications that occur at delivery are inclined to simultaneously enhance the strain afterload on the left aspect of the heart and decrease that on the best. This not directly causes left atrial pressure to increase above that in the proper atrium in order that the pressure gradient for flow by way of the foramen ovale is reversed. Reverse flow by way of the foramen ovale is, nevertheless, prevented by a flap-like valve that covers the opening within the left atrium. Normally, the foramen ovale is ultimately closed completely by the expansion of fibrous tissue. Pediatric Cardiovascular Characteristics Cardiovascular variables change considerably between delivery and grownup hood. The wholesome neonate has, by adult requirements, a high resting coronary heart rate (average of 140 beats/min) and a low arterial blood pressure (average of 60/35 mm Hg). These common values rapidly change over the primary 12 months (to 120 beats/min and 100/65 mm Hg, respectively). Pulmonary vascular resistance decreases precipitously at start, as described ear lier, and then continues to say no in the course of the first yr, at which time pulmonary pressures resemble adult levels. These resistance changes appear to be due to a progressive reworking of the microvascular arterioles from thick-walled, small diameter vessels to thin-walled, large-diameter microvessels.

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Aggravating and relieving components of breathlessness: z Breathlessness which improves on the weekend or vacation: Occupational asthma Extrinsic allergic alveolitis. Acute breathlessness, diagnostic value of related signs: z With chest pain lateralized and pleuritic: Pneumonia Pulmonary infarction Pneumothorax Rib fracture Pleural effusion. Questions to be asked for assessing severity of breathlessness: z Whether sleep disturbed by breathlessness It happens in expiratory phase of respiration, when slight bronchoconstriction occurs physiologically after strenuous exercise. It occurs in: z Asthma: Due to bronchospasm and mucosa edema and loss of elastic assist. Asthma is associated with wheezing, however not all wheezing is bronchial asthma z Obstruction by intraluminar material, like foreign physique or secretions. Well-localized wheeze, unchanged by coughing-obstruction by intraluminal overseas body or tumor. The causes are: z Laryngeal edema z Laryngeal carcinoma instructed by progressive hoarseness of voice over weeks to months. Patient complains of dysphagia, hemoptysis or ear ache z Foreign body in larynx z Chronic laryngitis: Hoarseness over months to years. You could lengthen your enquiries past house as a result of patient may be uncovered to birds belonging to pals and relations. Any job involving exposure to noxious agents of respirable measurement probably damages the respiratory tract. Occupational Cause of Lung Diseases Occupation � Mining � Quarrying � Foundary work � Asbestos (mining, heating constructing, demolition ship building) Agent Coal mud Silica mud Silica dust Asbestos fibers Disease Pneumoconiosis Silicosis Silicosis Asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung most cancers Contd. It happens in: Multiple recurrent pulmonary emboli Pleural effusion Cirrhosis Arteriovenous malformation. Intracardiac proper to left heart shunt: In case of atrial septal defect associated with increased pulmonary resistance-as in case of pleuropericardial or pericardial effusion or postlobectomy or postpneumonectomy. Upright posture reduces the shunt by: Redirecting the blood by way of atrial septum Decreasing the stress over right atrium. Physiology Behind Trepopnea Increased perfusion in dependent lung-producing higher V/Q matching, higher oxygenation and relieves dyspnea. Causes Unilateral lung collapse from: In these situations patient feels higher when the good lung depends.

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Pain and temperature from head and neck are carried by-spinal tract and nucleus of trigeminal nerve. Astereognosis: Absence of spatial tactile sensibility so incapability to identify object by feeling. Paresthesia: Abnormal sensation in absence of any stimulus, sensations could also be feeling cold, warmth, numbness, tingling, burning, priming, type. Sensory Examination Performed to Evaluate Absent, increase or decrease sensation Any radiation Neurology 1223 Type of sensation affected Degree of abnormality Distribution of abnormality Any dissociation of sensations. Position sense is mediated by large A-Alfa fibers-these fibers innervate muscles, joints, tendon 12 to 22 m in diameter. Stereognosis, two-point discriminations graphesthesia the ability to copy posture, recording of two simultaneous stimuli derive from major afferent enter. Pain fibers mediate via two major techniques: One system involves the recording of location and frequency of ache firing of activated and delta-A fibers. First group enters via posterior horn and synapse with neurons in Rexed layer 1 of substantia gelatinosa of the dorsal horn-ascend through brainstem to the ventral posterolateral nuclei of thalamus then to main sensory nucleus of cerebral cortex. So, painful stimulus produces sympathetic stimulation and in case severe painful stimulus produces nocifensive response producing withdrawal of limb. If painful stimulus is extreme and maintained for longer time then 1�2 segments above or below the segment of entry will fireplace and patient might complain of ache and paresthesia of adjoining spinal segments. This system has rich collaterals from brainstem nuclei, periaqueductal grey matter in midbrain, lateral aspects of reticular formation in any respect ranges, intralaminar thalamic nuclei. The fibers of this tract cross midline at the degree of entry to achieve contralateral side and ascends lateral to posterior column (carrying fibers for joint sense, position sense and discrete touch). Pain fibers from face project to V nerve nucleus, then cross midline in the medulla and pons and joins spinothalamic fibers in pons. Lateral medullary lesion: It produces harm of ipsilateral descending facial fibers producing loss of ipsilateral loss of pain and temperature sensation in face and contralateral lack of pain and temperature on sacral, trunk and arm beneath the extent of lesion. Lesion in thalamic nuclei (ventral poster medial and posterolateral thalamic nuclei). Fibers carrying mild contact, joint, place, vibration sense ascends within the posterior column ipsilateral to end in nucleus gracilis and cunatus. From here fibers decussate anterior to pyramidal tract decussation at C1 and C2 and project to medial lemniscus which in the end tasks to ventral posterolateral and ventral posteromedial nucleus of thalamus.

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Esophageal or buccolingual dyskinesia,-MACROS-, tardive dyskinesia-due to psychotropic medicine or antiparkinsonian-levodopa. Morphologic Changes in the Tongue Macroglossia: Acromegaly Sarcoidosis Myxedema Down syndrome Some myopathies. Atrophic glossitis: Atrophy of the epithelium and papillae - producing easy,-MACROS-, glossy tongue-vitamin B12,-MACROS-, folate and iron deficiency anemia. In acute case-scarlet purple,-MACROS-, swollen,-MACROS-, with ulceration,-MACROS-, afterward smooth and atrophic- Pellagra,-MACROS-, niacin deficiency. Tongue has purplish or magenta hue with distinguished filiform and fungiform papillae-Riboflavin deficiency. Normally light mirrored from the object passes through lens and falls on the fovea in numerous gaze. Since fovea has biggest focus of cones,-MACROS-, which document color and acuity,-MACROS-, so both the photographs seen by the each eyes shall be in identical position. Separation of the image is biggest towards the gaze during which the paralyzed muscle has its purest motion. False picture is displaced in the course by which weak muscle usually strikes the eye. Muscle pair concerned: the position,-MACROS-, during which the utmost displacement of image will happen,-MACROS-, determines the muscle pair concerned. Horizontal displacement on right lateral gaze,-MACROS-, if purple plastic on right eye,-MACROS-, red image shall be in extreme lateral position-if proper lateral rectus is involved. Unpaired column-contains visceral nucleus (Edinger-Westphal nucleus) rostrally and subnucleus for levetor palpebrae superior is caudally. This is simply portion of oculomotor nucleus,-MACROS-, which sends axon to the alternative eye,-MACROS-, decussating fibers truly traverses the contralateral nucleus for superior rectus. Before testing diplopia: Visual acuity of both eyes Lens examination Retinal displacement should be examined.

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The mixture of an episode of high peripheral venous strain followed by an episode of excessive arterial stress and pulse strain is especially harmful for people who are candidates for cerebral vascular accidents (strokes) as a end result of this combina tion may rupture a vessel. Artificial support of respiration with positive-pressure ventilators is usually necessary for assuring proper gas trade in the lungs but does have signifi cant opposed cardiovascular consequences. When the lungs are inflated arti ficially by such ventilators, intrathoracic pressure goes up (rather than down, as happens during normal inspiration). Thus, as an alternative of the conventional respiratory pump increasing venous return during inspiration, the positive-pressure ven tilator decreases venous return throughout lung inflation. In addition, the increase in intrathoracic strain tends to compress the pulmonary microcirculation and this will increase proper ventricular afterload. Therefore, when contemplating the choice of placing somebody on a respirator, the advantages of improving pulmo nary air flow have to be weighed towards the unfavorable results on the cardio vascular system. For causes to be described, a baroreceptor-induced reflex activation of sympa thetic nerves accompanies the transition from a recumbent to an upright position. In fact, the traditional cardiovascular reflex mechanisms are alone incapable of coping with upright posture with out assistance from the "skeletal muscle pump. Most importantly, the weight of the venous and lymphatic fluid columns is briefly supported by the closed one-way valve leaflets. Consequently, venous stress is drastically lowered immediately after skeletal muscle contraction and rises only steadily as veins refill with blood from capillaries. Thus, capillary stress and transcapillary fluid filtra tion price are dramatically reduced for some period after a skeletal muscle contrac tion. Periodic skeletal muscle contractions can hold the common worth of venous pressure at levels which are solely reasonably above regular. This, together with an elevated pressure drop throughout vasoconstricted arterioles, prevents capillary pres sures from rising to insupportable ranges in the lower extremities. Some transcapillary fluid filtration remains to be current, however the increased lymphatic circulate resulting from the skeletal muscle pump is normally sufficient to prevent noticeable edema formation in the feet. As with all cardiovascular responses, the important thing to understanding the alterations related to standing is to differentiate the first disturbances from the compensatory respomes.

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Caudal pontine lesion-involving rostral spinal trigeminal nuclei-produces: Diminution of intraoral sensation of all modalities,-MACROS-, however facial sensation will be unimpaired. Isolated ventral pontine infarction-produces: Midfacial ipsilateral sensory loss as a end result of involvement of fibers supplying midfacial areas Contralateral hemiparesis Dysarthria. Upper medullary spinal tract lesion-produces: Entire trigeminal cutaneous distribution might be affected. Lower medullary spinal tract lesion produces: Sensory loss in brow,-MACROS-, cheek and jaw (onion-skin sample sensory loss) Onion-skin-segmental distribution reflects: Rostral-to-caudal somatotropic association of cutaneous distribution of spinal nucleus-perioral space rostral and lateral face caudal area. Neurology 1009 Lateral medullary syndrome-involvement of spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve. Features of cranial nerve V are: Facial ache Paresthesia Numbness Sensory loss Depressed corneal reflex Cranial nerve V motor function loss. There may be related following structures involvement: Facial nerve paralysis Cerebellar ataxia-ipsilateral Nystagmus (due to involvement of cerebellar peduncle and cerebellum). Trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux): Sudden,-MACROS-, lancinating,-MACROS-, excruciating,-MACROS-, paroxysmal unilateral ache in the distribution of a number of branches of trigeminal nerve. It occurs principally in female,-MACROS-, in superior age,-MACROS-, affects proper aspect more than the left. The painful facial syndrome could happen due to any pathology affecting brainstem,-MACROS-, preganglionic root,-MACROS-, gasserian ganglion,-MACROS-, peripheral trigeminal nerve. The irritating lesion at the entry zone of trigeminal nerve root- a number of sclerosis plaque,-MACROS-, brainstem infarction,-MACROS-, C-P angle tumor,-MACROS-, cavernous malformation 1010 Clinical Methods and Interpretation in Medicine Meningioma,-MACROS-, posterior fossa tumors. Brainstem displacement as a result of type-I Arnold-Chiari malformation or basilar invagination-producing compression of trigeminal nucleus. Lesions Affecting Gasserian Ganglion Lesions answerable for injury of gasserian ganglion: Tumor Sarcoidosis Tuberculosis Arachnoiditis Trauma Abscess. Pain is ipsilateral,-MACROS-, severe,-MACROS-, hemi-facial or along the distribution of chosen department,-MACROS-, starting near midline on the upper lip,-MACROS-, chin,-MACROS-, progressing laterally to the ear.

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Characteristics of pulsus paradoxus in cardiac tamponade: It is >12 mm Hg in 100 percent of cases. False adverse pulsus paradoxus in cardiac tamponade Isolated proper heart tamponade: It occurs in: Chronic coronary heart failure. In above circumstances pericardial bag is merely too uneven to supply competitors between two ventricles. In aortic regurgitation, during inspiration, left ventricle is filled up from aorta, prevent improvement of pulsus paradoxus. Pulsus paradoxus in air move obstruction: In status asthmaticus, hyperinflation of chest produces excessive inspiratory pooling of blood, producing higher drop in systolic blood quantity. Diseases inflicting pulsus paradoxus >10 mm Hg Lung causes: Bronchial bronchial asthma Status asthmaticus Tension pneumothorax. Extracardiac causes: Anaphylactic shock Hypovolemic shock Volvulus of stomach Diaphragmatic hernia. So, strictly adheres to tips of pulsus paradoxus: Palpate in all accessible arteries Avoid deep inspiration throughout palpation No irregularity of cardiac motion. This happens in: Tricuspid stenosis Superior venacaval syndrome Right ventricular hypertrophy Right ventricular infarction Constrictive pericarditis Pulmonary emboli Pulmonary hypertension. Methods of measuring pulsus alternans Wrap the blood strain cuff around the arm Inflate the cuff until the sound will disappear Slowly deflate the cuff until you hear the primary Korotkoff sound At this time solely the stronger ejections produce the sound Further deflate the pressure cuff until the weaker ejections turns into detectable, it produce doubling of the sound. The difference in systolic blood pressure between stronger and weaker ejections are normally 15�20 mm Hg Finally ask the patient to take deep breath or suddenly assume upright positions. Contractility school of thought: There is bit to bit variation in left ventricular diameter-leads to cycling of weaker and stonger ejections. Hemodynamic school of thought: According to this college, variation in ejection fraction is due to modifications in systolic and diastolic duration. If systolic duration increases, ejection fraction lengthens- producing excessive volume of pulse.

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Trompok, 44 years: The normal working strain in the peripheral venous compartment is normally very near imply circulatory filling stress. As a type of mechanical digestion, chewing our food is a crucial a half of the digestive course of as a result of smaller pieces are extra readily digested via chemical digestion. Syncope Subclavian steal syndrome: Due to occlusive illness of subclavian artery proximal to origin of vertebral artery Aortic arch syndrome: Occlusive disease of origin of brachiocephalic artery, in aortic arch Cervical spondylosis.

Brenton, 65 years: According to the electrocardiographic conventions, the electrical axis is at quadrant). The potential for cure, which is feasible in many childhood malignancies, needs to be balanced against the long-term morbidity of development failure. Noncentral: � Pleural: � Tuberculosis � Pneumonia � Pulmonary infarction � Malignant tumors.

Jared, 39 years: Obstructive shock follows mechanical obstruction that impairs cardiac operate and output. Ischemic coronary heart illnesses: Stable or unstable angina Myocardial infarction Ventricular aneurysm-complication of infarction. In posterior mediastenum: this nerve sends fibers to: Pulmonary plexuses Esophageal plexuses.

Berek, 56 years: Chronic belly pain may be because of: z Ectopic endometrial tissue z Pelvic inflammatory illness of fallopian tube, ovaries z Pelvic muscle contraction because of protrusion of bladder, rectum, uterus. Gait pattern the following are the abnormalities of the gait: Antalgic gait Wise base gait: Muscular weak spot Cerebellar deficit Short shuffling gait-Fastinant gait-Parkinsonism Gait of old age-lean ahead and small steps Flat toes Feet valgus Genu recurvatum. All mainly impacts older particular person, but could affect the individual of 20�30 years especially honest skinned redheaded/blondheaded particular person.

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